Julee Kim
October 2019

Julee Kim

Welcome to the GGs October edition where we get to showcase yet another fabulous woman — Julee Kim. Julee is about to embark on an exciting journey with her second child so we wish her every success with her birth and thank her for her gorgeous and heartfelt insights.

I would also like to say a big thank you to Nalini Tranquim who has just launched her own blog and given the recent events with Danny Frawley, shining a light on mental health is so very important, so scroll down to read her very raw conversation.

For those of you who attended our annual luncheon with Wayne Schwass a few months back, people like Nalini and Danny Frawley amplify our need to keep checking in on one another, whether they are acquaintances, friends or family and assuring them that there is always light after the darkness.

I look forward to chatting to you more over a casual drink on Friday the 15th November. Pop in and say hi, stay for one or stay for a while, just yourself or bring a friend.